Who Is DeLavande?

Hello my name is Rachelle and I am the owner of DeLavande Handmade Necklaces & More.

"There is only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will."

I was Born and raised in Traverse City, Michigan but a few years back I moved to Cookeville, Tennessee where I finished College.  My way of getting away from all the stress was to sit back on the couch pop in a movie and bead necklaces until I passed out.  To me this was heaven.  I mostly made necklaces for my mom and me to wear but my friends would ask if I would make them something special for them.  Thats when it started so many people, some I didn't know where asking if I had any necklaces they could buy for a gift to a loved one.  Thats when I got to work to start selling.  Each necklace will take me about 1-4 hours to finish, thats from designing it and going though all my beads to find the perfect ones.  I take my time and great care so that the Necklace is a one of a kind with all the finest beads.  This is what I love and I hope you love them too.